Dear parents and students,
I hope everyone is well.
IMPORTANT NEWS: Friday October 15th grade 4 will be going on our first field trip of the year!! We will be attending the Children's Museum, Chiminike to gain some first hand knowledge about the water cycle and build on what we've been learning about land and water in our current Science unit. The cost of the trip will be 40 lempiras per student, and there will be a permission form with the specific information going home this week. If any parents wish to volunteer to come join us for this field trip please send me an email at:
Also, we have noticed at Discovery School lately that a lot of our student have been showing up late for class. We understand that there are a lot of traffic situations that make it difficult to be on time some days, but we are asking all the parents to please do your best to make sure that your child arrives at school and is in class no later than 8 am each morning. Thank you!!
Math- This week we will be beginning chapter 3 in our Math Textbook. Chapter 3 focuses on multiplication and division. This week will focus on finding patterns in our multiplication table that will help us remember our multiplication facts, and working on mental strategies that will help us solve multiplication problems in our heads. As I wrote last week, it never hurts to check to see if your child still remembers their basic facts from grade 3, because each student will need to quickly recall their times tables to succeed in this section of our Math program.
Reading- Our 'reading letters' are improving with each week! Each student needs to write a 'reading letter' once a week, and it is due either on Tuesday or Wednesday depending on their group number. The students need to use their time appropriately reading, thinking, writing, and revising in class time and at home in order to complete a quality letter each week. This week during independent reading time we will be reviewing the use of 'thinkstrips' during reading and how they can be used to help us write quality letters, and we will be focusing specifically on working on finding text-to-text connections between our books and books we've read in the past. We will also spend time reading our new class novel, "Stone Fox" during our guided reading periods. While reading we will be working on how to understand unfamiliar words using the reading skill: 'context clues'.
Writing- This week we will conclude our 5 part 'sensory series' of descriptive writing. Each student will then choose their favourite piece of writing from those 5 and we will begin working on 'publishing' this piece. Publishing for the students will mean taking a piece of work and making it the absolute best they can through revision and careful editing. In the end each student should have a piece of written work that they are proud of and can share.
Science- In Science this week we will be learning about where our drinking water comes from, and we will continue discussing the importance of water conservation. We will also be discussing the SCIENCE FAIR and about the process of preparing an excellent Science Experiment. Finally we will be looking at creating a model of a dam at the end of the week. I'm looking forward to a fun, messy, and educational learning experience for that one!
Spelling- This week's spelling words will focus on the OY, OI and OU/OW sounds.
Character Studies: We will be learning about the important character trait that is: Honesty.
Here's to a wonderful week in Grade 4. If you have any questions about our upcoming fieldtrip, or if you would like to volunteer to join us, please contact me this week. All the best,
Jordan Rose
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