Monday, February 28, 2011

Activities for the week of February 28th to March 4th

Hola everybody!

Here's what we'll be doing this week in grade 4 at Discovery School:


In math lessons this week we will be working on understanding and using formulas to calculate perimeter, area, and volume.  We will apply our understanding of these concepts to word based problems, and use manipulatives and drawings to help us solve these problems visually.  We will also spend time comparing and contrasting these three geometric concepts and their formulas.  It should be fun!!


Our next reading skill that we will focus on is 'main idea and supporting details'.  We will be taking a look at different text structures and practice identifying the main idea in different paragraphs.  We will also look at how supporting details are used to create well-written and interesting paragraphs, and then apply them to our own writing next week.


This week we will be working on writing our conclusion to our persuasive writing piece, and then spend a class proofreading our first drafts with fellow students.  Our final copies will be completed for homework mid-week.  We will also work on writing a short, anecdotal story about an incident of integrity.  Integrity is our current 'character studies' trait.


In social studies this week we will be learning about how the slave trade that brought slaves to the Americas.  We will also be learning about some of the lingering effects that slavery has had on American society and culture in a talk with our middle school teacher Vincent Taylor and in reading our new class novel, 'Sounder'.

I hope that everyone has a great week!  Thanks as always for reading,

Jordan Rose


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