Monday, March 21, 2011

Classroom Activities for March 21st to 25th

Hello everybody,

We are coming to the close of our third quarter.  Reports will be sent home with students at the end of the week.  Please return the envelope that they come in with a parents signature on Monday.  Here's to a great final week of quarter three, and enough energy to keep learning new things right to the end of the year.

This Week's Classroom Activities:


In math lessons this week we will be learning to compare and order fractions.  To do so we'll use our fraction pieces to visually compare the size of different fractions.  We'll also be drawing connections between fractions and percentages to help us determine which fraction is larger or smaller.  At the end of the week we'll be having a short quiz to assess how we are doing with fractions thus far.


We will continue to practice our reading skill of 'summarizing' this week.  Students will listen and read along with a section of our class novel, "Sounder", and then practice summarizing the most important details in their own words.  We will also continue our individual reading, and continue to write about the books we're reading in a reading recommendation letter to another student in the class.


We will be using the timelines that we created last week as the starting point for writing our own autobiographies.  The autobiographies will be an ongoing project where we will attempt to tell the story of our lives, from birth to the present day.


We will begin our final social studies project this week.  Students will choose partners and project topics and begin to read and summarize the information that they read.

I hope everyone has a great week!!  Happy Father's Day to all the Dad's out there.  Thanks for reading,

Jordan Rose

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