Monday, January 31, 2011

Activities for the Week of Jan 31st-Feb. 4th

Greetings parents and students,

January's officially flown by, and we're getting ready for February.

Important Reminders

Spelling Bee:  This Saturday Discovery School is hosting the nationwide Spelling Bee.  Let's hope our young spellers do a great job.  Good luck to our grade 4 representative Gabe Morrison!!

Science Fair:  It sounds like most students are on their way to some interesting science projects.  Remember the science fair is on February 17th.

Classroom Activities This Week

Math:  Well we've finished our computation section of the math curriculum and we're moving into geometry this week!!  The students will be learning how to define and classify 2D and 3D shapes and experiment with making their own figures out of construction paper.  The students will also be learning about 2D polygons, lines, line segments, and angles, as well as learning how to classify triangles.  It should be a fun week in math class!

Reading:  In reading we will be exploring rhyming poetry.  We will be learning about the different rhyme patterns that are used in rhyming poetry, and about certain techniques like rhythm and alliteration.
We will also continue reading our class novel, 'The Million Dollar Shot', and examine the plot structure of the story.  We will also be looking for cause and effect relationships that occur throughout the story.

Writing:  After learning about rhyming poetry in reading lessons, we will experiment with writing our own rhyming poetry.  We will practice applying different rhyme schemes and rhythm into our rhyming poems.  We will also have a contest, like the one in our class novel, where we will see who can write the best Finkle poem.

Grammar:  We will be working on our proofreading skills by finding and fixing punctuation, grammar, and spelling mistakes in a piece of writing.

Science:  The students will design and build their final vehicle of the 'Design and Motion' unit.  The vehicle will use a propeller and a rubber band to create energy and put our vehicles into motion.  The students will then test their vehicles and create a data chart to record what they find.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!!  All the best,

Jordan Rose

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