Monday, January 10, 2011

Classroom Activities for Jan 10th-14th

Happy New Year Everyone!!!   I hope everyone had a great holiday.  Now it's time to get back into our studies as we begin our third quarter in fourth grade.

Important Reminders:

2nd Quarter Reports:  Please have all students return the brown report card envelope with a parent's signature this week.  If you have any questions about the report card or if you did not receive it please contact me.

Science Fair:

The presentation day for our science fair projects has been moved back two weeks, until the second week of February.  We do not have an exact date at this time, but we will let you know in the near future.  I hope this postponement comes as good news as it will give students and families a bit more time to complete those experiments and prepare their posterboard presentations.  If your child has already  completed his/her experiment please remember to take lots of photographs so that these photos can be used to display the completed work and all of the process on the final posterboard.  Again if you have any questions about Science Fair please contact me.

Friday, Jan. 14th:

This Friday we will be on our AM schedule, meaning that students will be dismissed at 11:45 am.

This Week's Classroom Activities:

Math:  We will be continuing to learn and practice our division skills in chapter 7 this week.  We will work on representing and solving problems using counters, story problems, pictures, and paper and pencil.  We will also be working on word based problems that require us to interpret the meaning of the remainder.  By the end of the week we'll be ready to start dividing 3 digit numbers, problems with 0 in the quotient, and division problems with dollars and cents.

Reading:  This week we will starting our new class novel, "Million Dollar Shot", by Dan Gutman.  This is an entertaining, grade-level read that will allow us to practice our oral reading skills, as well as our reading comprehension, narrative structure, and understanding of cause and effect.   For our self-selected reading the students will be asked to choose a book of poetry.  We will reading poetry, and learning about the different types of poetry as a lead in to our new writing unit.

Writing:   This week will be our introduction to our poetry unit.  We will start by learning about verse and free-verse poetry.   We will then experiment with free-verse poetry and write some concrete poems.  We will also practice using similes and metaphors in groups to describe our favourite colours.

Grammar:  Our grammar focus will continue to look at prefixes and suffixes.  This week we will be working with the prefix de- and the suffix -er.

Spelling:  This weeks words will focus on the /s/ sound.  The words are:  notice, recess, twice, sentence, device, surface, princess, slice, chance, office, iceberg, spice, peace, prance, faucet

Science:  We will be getting back into our design and motion unit, as the students will learn about design challenges, and begin to think about how to deal with their own design challenges with regards to their vehicles.  The students will also experiment with the use of energy from a rubber band, and using that energy as force to propel their vehicles into motion.

Here's to an excellent 2011 in grade 4!!!!!!!                Sincerely,    

                                                                                                         Jordan Rose  

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